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Pond's Edge Home Academy

Pheonix's Lair

Welcome to Pheonix's Lair.
Current interests include: Listening to music, hanging out with my boyfriend, and watching movies.
Reading list for the week: My friends book, Chicken Soup for the unsinkable soul, and The Book of Runes.
My favourite bands are: Disturbed, Billy Talent, My Chemical Romance, and Evanesence.


  A Poem

Storm clouds gather,

Temperatures rise and fall,

As you hear the soft patter,

Of rain against the wall.


The sun fades away,

And animals run for cover,

Hoping that they will see the sun's faint ray,

A strong sense of calm hovers.


Thunder rolls with a rumble,

Lightning flashes in the distant sky,

Loose pebbles take a tumble,

As electric fingers pass by.
