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We've been busy!!!

Here is a recipe for a tasty roast, enjoy!


  It’s no Crock, It’s a Roast!



2 lemons, 1/8c vinegar, six potatos, 1 garlic, 1 Spanish onion, 1 red onion, 1 white onion, Warcestert sauce, 5 bay leaves, and vegetable oil.                                                              


First, defrost the roast, and put it in a hot pan with the vegetable oil. Next, put the bay leaves in the 1/8c vinegar to soak. Fry the roast for 3 minutes or until seared. Put in the crock-pot and add all 6 sliced potatoes and all 3 sliced onions. Take 1/8c vinegar pour on roast, add 2 sliced lemons on top of roast. Crush one garlic clove put the garlic on top of roast the roast, then pour warcestert sauce on the roast. Put crock-pot on high for 5 hours. Check on roast every hour till done.



This month in Science News






We are growing Aluminium Potassium Sulphate crystals for the National Crystal Growing Completion. So far, we have a small crystal we are very happy with, as well as, many other seed crystals. Over the next week, we are hoping to finish the crystals and send so then can be jugged.

           This year our goal is to beat our scores from last year, when we place 11th in the nation. We won t-shirts last year. We grew a really cool crystal not for the competition. My family and me really liked it. So we are going to keep it.

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