NaNoWriMo yearly writing contest starts November 1st each year.
Young Adult Books Central
This site allows young writers a chance to be heard. Kids are encouraged to submit book reviews.
A points total is kept and when X amount has been reach, kids get to recieve a book of thier choice from the Prize Bucket.
My guys have found the selection to be really enjoyable and a great writing incentive.
It is encouraged that members of same family/school submit under the saem email addy. That way each
and every review counts towards the family/school goal.
Start Something
This program is free of charge and is the brainchild of Tiger Woods and
Target Inc. It is an all ages program that challenges the kids to learn about themselves and reach for thier goals. Both kids
will be involved with the program this year and are looking forward to starting. :)
Book Adventure
Sylvan Learning Online hosts a great service that is totally
free. You simple go to thier site (see links page) and everyone registers. Parents reg. as both teacher and parent. Kids each
get their own account. They can search the book list by grade level, genre, author, ect. Once they find a book they like,
they read it, and come back to take the quiz. They collect point via quizzes till they earn enough for rewards. There are
some rewards on the site, but I like the option to create our own.
Geocaching is an entertaining adventure game for gps users. Participating in a cache hunt is a good way
to take advantage of the wonderful features and capability of a gps unit. The basic idea is to have individuals and organizations
set up caches all over the world and share the locations of these caches on the internet. GPS users can then use the location
coordinates to find the caches. Once found, a cache may provide the visitor with a wide variety of rewards. All the visitor
is asked to do is if they get something they should try to leave something for the cache. (borrowed from linked site)